Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bug's First Weekend Away

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to my family and friends!   I am definitely being thankful today, both for a break and for the wonderful family that I have.  I am feeling it extra special today because it has been over 30 hours since I have seen any of them!

This weekend was a big training weekend for my tutoring job and CK is off guiding for the first half of this month, so I had to make arrangements for Bug to be away from Mama for the FIRST TIME since his birth.  For the whole weekend. Ack.  It's a really great break that I needed for sure, especially with having so much going on (we're also showing the house for new renters, I'm 32 weeks pregnant) but I miss my boy more than I thought I would! Actually I lie, I don't miss him the way I need him here right now or anything, but it has been wonderful to have him drift into my thoughts throughout the days with the cutest things he does or says, and how for the last few weeks he has been extra snuggly before tucking in at night. I can't wait to pick him up tomorrow and give him tons of loving! For now I'm relaxing on the couch reorganizing our files and catching up on bills without having to fear the toddler-paper-shredder. Thankful.

Of course he's doing much better than Mama, although his caretakers tell me he is asking about me throughout the day. He has been off visiting cousins, playing with ranch animals, riding bikes and watching horses.  The pictures CK's cousin sent me of their day together yesterday made me smile, I must have looked at them a dozen times already. When did he get so big?

Things are moving along with our upcoming relocation. Not that I've started packing or anything. I did collect stacks of boxes and organized our house for the showings. I am cleaning out drawers and junk, some headed for the trash, some headed for Goodwill, and it all feels wonderful!  I am feeling contractions every once and a while and my back is not happy with me by the end of everyday but I tell myself it will all be worth it for the extra space and privacy for our family in just a few short weeks. Stewing over the logistics and sheer workload of a move is just something I refuse to let myself do, I just know that it will all work out eventually.

1 comment:

  1. First time away is the hardest and I remembered how much I worried but now I am extremely happy anytime the grandparents wants to take them ;)
